we are pleased to inform you that The 3rd International Student Science Forum 2018 (ISSF) will be organized for Vietnamese and international students, hosted by Ho Chi Minh City Vietnamese Students’ Association Ho Chi Minh City and Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City.
As an international academic playground, the purpose of ISSF is to create opportunities to exchange and learn academic knowledge as well as discuss about creative ideas between Vietnamese and International students. Through this, students will have chances to express, brand storm and seek for viable solutions for world’s crisis and share them with international fellows.
Was first held in 2016, annually, ISSF had more than 100 representatives from highly reputable universities of Vietnam, ASEAN, Japan, South Korea and China. The topics of the forum have been discussed about the current situation and specific solutions, attracting the attention of the press and the public.
The 3rd International Student Science Forum 2018, under the theme of “Human resources in the Industry 4.0”, is organized to provide opportunities for exchanging and learning academic knowledge, sharing creativity and strengthening the solidarity among students in ASEAN and other countries in the world.
1. Time: 04th – 08th December 2018, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
2. Program summary:
– The science forum: delegates will listen and share opinions on presentations by leading scientists and the ISSF 2018 delegates reporting on the following subjects:
+ The necessary skills for career developments;
+ The education trends in the Industry 4.0;
+ Labour in the international integration;
+ The role of organizations in supporting students to improve their professional skills.
– Teambuilding skills development: Visit Can Gio Mangrove Forest Biosphere Reserve, participate in group skills development activities.
– Excursions: visit to key laboratories, science and technology centers, and historic sites in Ho Chi Minh City.
– Exchange program: with students from many universities in Ho Chi Minh City.
– Closing Ceremony and farewell party of the ISSF.
3. Eligibility
– Must be enrolling at universities, sophomore and junior students are preferred;
– Possess good capability of group working;
– Must be in good health conditions;
– Must demonstrate good English proficiency;
– Must be oblige to the forum’s schedule during 04th – 08th December, 2018.
4. Deadline for Submission
Applicants are required to submit their abstract to the Organizing Committee via website www.issf.vn by 21 October, 2018 and finish full text by 30 October, 2018.
5. Participation costs
The forum will cover the expenses for accommodation, meals and local transportations in Ho Chi Minh City for all delegates. The round-trip ticket, visa fee, travel insurance and other personal expenses shall be borne by the participants. Any officers, lectures who wish to come with the students are also very much welcomed to the forum but have to bear all the expenses.
For further information, please do not hesitate to reach Ms. Ngo Thi Tu Trinh at Tel: or email: ngothitutrinh@khoahoctre.com. vn.